Comparing Unemployment Rates Across U.S. States During Economic Recessions





December 6, 2024


This project analyzes unemployment rate fluctuations across U.S. states during two major economic downturns: the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. By leveraging spatial and temporal data, we map and compare unemployment rate changes before, during, and after these recessions. The insights from this analysis may highlight patterns in economic impact and recovery across states, informing potential strategies for future recession management.

Materials and Methods

Data Collection and Preparation

Leveraged datasets from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and supplementary geospatial sources. Utilized read.csv() and dplyr for comprehensive data cleaning, focusing on precise filtering and formatting of columns including State, Year, and Unemployment_rate.

Visualization and Analysis

Developed comprehensive visualization strategies using:

  • ggplot2: For generating detailed static maps.
  • gganimate: For creating temporal trend animations.
  • maps package: For foundational U.S. base map layers.
  • gifski: For high-quality animated graphic exports.

The methodology transforms complex unemployment data into clear, engaging visual narratives that reveal nuanced economic patterns across geographic and temporal dimensions.

Data Sources

  1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): Monthly state-level unemployment data.
  2. U.S. Census Bureau: State population estimates.

Data Cleaning and Preparation

The following code loads, cleans, and aggregates the data. ### Load libraries

Let’s install the following required libraries.

if (!requireNamespace("gganimate", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("gganimate")
if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("dplyr")
if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("sf")
if (!requireNamespace("maps", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("maps")
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("ggplot2")
if (!requireNamespace("tidyverse", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("tidyverse")
if (!requireNamespace("gifski", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("gifski", type = "binary")
if (!requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("knitr")
if (!requireNamespace("geofacet", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("geofacet")
if (!requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("plotly")


Load the monthly dataset

Loading the States Unemployment Dataset

data <- read.csv("data/States_Unemploment_Data.csv")

Data Cleaning Steps

The following code has the data cleaning code and getting the summary of the data.

# 1. Drop duplicate rows
data <- data %>% distinct()

# 2. Remove rows with any missing values
data <- data %>% drop_na()

# 3. Replace placeholder values ("NA", "unknown") with NA
data[data == "NA"] <- NA
data[data == "unknown"] <- NA

# 4. Identify and clean inconsistent values (e.g., if certain columns should only contain specific ranges or categories)
# Example: Ensure `Unemployment_rate` is within a realistic range (0 - 100)
data <- data %>%
  filter(Unemployment_rate >= 0 & Unemployment_rate <= 100)

# Check for remaining missing values after cleaning

Aggregate data by State and Year to calculate the annual averages and displaying first ten rows.

annual_data <- data %>%
  group_by(State, Year) %>%
    Labor_Force_Participation_Ratio = mean(Labor_Force_Participation_Ratio, na.rm = TRUE),
    Employment_Participation_Ratio = mean(Employment_Participation_Ratio, na.rm = TRUE),
    Labor_Force = mean(Labor_Force, na.rm = TRUE),
    Employment = mean(Employment, na.rm = TRUE),
    Unemployment = mean(Unemployment, na.rm = TRUE),
    Unemployment_rate = mean(Unemployment_rate, na.rm = TRUE),
    Latitude = first(Latitude),
    Longitude = first(Longitude)
  ) %>%

# Display the first few rows of the aggregated data
annual_data %>%
  head(10) %>%
    caption = "Summary of Annual Data by State and Year",
    col.names = c("State", "Year", "Labor Force Participation Ratio", "Employment Participation Ratio",
                  "Labor Force", "Employment", "Unemployment", "Unemployment Rate", "Latitude", "Longitude"),
    align = "c"
Summary of Annual Data by State and Year
State Year Labor Force Participation Ratio Employment Participation Ratio Labor Force Employment Unemployment Unemployment Rate Latitude Longitude
Alabama 2006 61.60833 59.13333 2169933 2083033 86899.50 4.000000 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2007 61.28333 58.81667 2180868 2092450 88418.08 4.041667 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2008 60.61667 57.05000 2177201 2049357 127843.58 5.883333 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2009 59.56667 53.56667 2157016 1939467 217549.33 10.083333 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2010 59.50833 53.34167 2196694 1968757 227937.67 10.375000 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2011 59.11667 53.45833 2201954 1991027 210927.92 9.583333 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2012 58.16667 53.42500 2179075 2001118 177957.33 8.158333 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2018 57.25833 55.00000 2239818 2151843 87974.50 3.941667 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2019 57.69167 55.86667 2271412 2199088 72324.17 3.183333 32.31823 -86.9023
Alabama 2020 57.23333 53.58333 2263014 2118626 144388.67 6.408333 32.31823 -86.9023

Visualization Techniques

  1. State-Level Map Visualization
  2. Time-Series Trend Charts
  3. Bar Chart Race


Map Visualization

The following animated map shows the unemployment rate across states over time. The color scale represents unemployment rate levels.

us_map <- map_data("state")
annual_data$region <- tolower(annual_data$State)

# Merge map data with your dataset
map_data <- inner_join(us_map, annual_data, by = c("region" = "region"))

# Animated Map Code
ggplot(map_data, aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = Unemployment_rate)) +
  geom_polygon(color = "white") +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = c("#2D004B", "#4144B3", "#1EA8C1", "#A8E200", "#FFDD00", "#FF6600"),
                       values = scales::rescale(c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16)),
                       name = "Unemployment Rate (%)",
                       limits = c(2, 16)) +
  labs(title = "Unemployment Rate by State", subtitle = "Year: {frame_time}") +
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  theme_minimal() +
    plot.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14)
  ) +
  transition_time(Year) +

Interactive Line Plot to know about the Employment rates

plot_ly(annual_data, x = ~Year, y = ~Unemployment_rate, color = ~State, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
    title = "Unemployment Rate Trends",
    xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
    yaxis = list(title = "Unemployment Rate (%)")
#animate(line_plot, nframes = 100, fps = 10,renderer = gifski_renderer())

Bar Chart Race of Top 10 States by Unemployment Rate

A bar chart race visualizes the top 10 states with the highest unemployment rate each year.

top_states <- annual_data %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  top_n(10, Unemployment_rate) %>%
  arrange(Year, -Unemployment_rate)

# Bar Chart Race Code
ggplot(top_states, aes(x = reorder(State, -Unemployment_rate), y = Unemployment_rate, fill = State)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +
    title = "Top 10 States by Unemployment Rate",
    subtitle = "Year: {frame_time}",
    x = "State",
    y = "Unemployment Rate (%)"
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
  transition_time(Year) +

This visualization provides a comparative analysis of key labor market metrics—Unemployment Rate, Labor Force Participation Ratio, and Employment Participation Ratio—across U.S. states. By organizing states geographically using the geofacet package, this plot highlights the variation in these metrics in a spatially intuitive manner.

geofacet_comparison_data <- annual_data %>%
  select(State, Year, Unemployment_rate, Labor_Force_Participation_Ratio, Employment_Participation_Ratio) %>%
         ! %>%
    cols = c(Unemployment_rate, Labor_Force_Participation_Ratio, Employment_Participation_Ratio),
    names_to = "Metric",
    values_to = "Value"

ggplot(geofacet_comparison_data, aes(y = Metric, x = Value, fill = Metric)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +  
  facet_geo(~ State, grid = "us_state_grid1") +     
    values = c(
      "Unemployment_rate" = "red",
      "Labor_Force_Participation_Ratio" = "green",
      "Employment_Participation_Ratio" = "blue"
    name = "Metric"
  ) +
    title = "Comparison of Metrics Across U.S. States",
    x = "Value",
    y = "Metric",
    fill = "Metric"
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
    strip.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
    legend.position = "bottom"


The graphical analysis of U.S. unemployment rates during the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic highlights significant trends and disparities in economic resilience across states.

  1. From the animated map visualization, we observe that states with diverse, service-based economies (such as California and New York) experienced sharp rises in unemployment during both crises. However, these states tended to recover faster due to a shift toward remote work and flexible job structures, especially during COVID-19.

  2. States heavily reliant on specific sectors like tourism and manufacturing (e.g., Nevada and Michigan) faced prolonged high unemployment rates. This suggests that sector-specific economic dependencies can heighten vulnerability during global economic disruptions.

  3. The line plot of unemployment trends over time reveals that while the 2008 financial crisis caused a relatively uniform spike in unemployment across states, the COVID-19 pandemic led to more varied impacts, with certain states being hit much harder than others. This difference may be attributed to varying public health restrictions, digital adaptability, and government support measures across states.

  4. The bar chart race visualization, showing the top 10 states with the highest unemployment rates over time, highlights that certain states consistently appeared in the high-unemployment category across crises. This indicates persistent structural challenges that may require targeted policy interventions.


  1. Li, J. (2013). Analysis of the High Unemployment Rate in the USA. World Review of Political Economy, 4(2), 218-229.

  2. Athar, H. M., Chang, M. H., Hahn, R. A., Walker, E., & Yoon, P. (2013). Unemployment–United States, 2006 and 2010. MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 62.

  3. Hagen, D., Lai, A. Y., & Goldmann, E. (2022). State-level unemployment and negative emotions throughout the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States. Preventive Medicine, 164, 107239.

  4. Yilmazkuday, H. (2020). Unequal unemployment effects of COVID-19 and monetary policy across US States. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, Forthcoming.