Crime Trend and Spatial Analysis in Chicago (2010 - 2022)
Understanding crime trends and patterns is crucial for developing effective crime prevention and resource allocation strategies. By visualizing year-wise distributions, we gain insight into:
1.Temporal changes in crime rates.
2.Potential correlations with social, economic, or policy changes.
3.Identifying years of significant increase or decrease in criminal activities, helping stakeholders pinpoint impactful interventions.
Welcome to the Crime Analysis Project
This website presents a detailed analysis of crime trends and spatial distributions in Chicago from 2010 to 2022.
Materials and methods implemented
Data Sources: Chicago Crime Data: The main dataset will come from the Chicago Data Portal, which offers extensive data on various aspects of life in the city, including crime data. I will filter the data to focus on crime statistics from 2010 to 2022.
Software and Programming Tools:
R Studio: For data cleaning, analysis, and visualization.
Libraries/Packages: dplyr and tidyr: For data manipulation and cleaning. ggplot2: For data visualization, including histograms and time-series plots. sf: For spatial analysis and mapping crime data. caret and randomForest: For clustering and predictive modeling. ggmap: To fetch and overlay maps for spatial visualization.
Data Cleaning and Preparation: I am using the dplyr and tidyr packages in R Studio to clean and organize the dataset, removing any inconsistencies or missing values to ensure data accuracy.
Time-Series Analysis: I am leveraging ggplot2 to plot trends in crime rates over time, analyzing how crime levels are evolving throughout the study period.
Spatial Analysis: Using the sf package, I am mapping crime locations to visualize their spatial distribution across Chicago’s neighborhoods, helping to identify patterns and areas of concern.
Cluster Analysis: I am applying clustering techniques to identify crime hotspots and determine whether certain crime types are showing spatial concentrations in specific regions of the city.
Predictive Modeling: I am using machine learning techniques, including logistic regression and caret’s model training utilities, were employed to predict crime occurrences based on encoded features such as location and description. These predictive models may offer valuable insights for crime prevention and resource allocation strategies.
Required packages:
Load necessary libraries
Load the dataset
<- read.csv("data/data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) df
View the first few rows of the dataset
ID Case.Number Date Block IUCR
1 13190943 JG400635 08/28/2023 06:23:00 AM 027XX N NARRAGANSETT AVE 1320
2 13192516 JG402535 08/29/2023 01:59:00 PM 014XX N LOCKWOOD AVE 1310
3 13202216 JG414059 09/06/2023 06:20:00 PM 018XX N LUNA AVE 1310
4 13202922 JG414619 09/06/2023 06:00:00 PM 014XX E 49TH ST 1320
5 13201501 JG413395 09/06/2023 01:00:00 AM 082XX S AVALON AVE 1320
6 13202292 JG412948 09/06/2023 12:40:00 AM 082XX S WOLCOTT AVE 1310
Primary.Type Description Location.Description
Arrest Domestic Beat District Ward Community.Area FBI.Code X.Coordinate
1 True False 2512 25 36 19 14 1133273
2 False True 2532 25 37 25 14 1140764
3 False False 2532 25 37 25 14 1139111
4 True False 222 2 4 39 14 1186638
5 False False 411 4 8 45 14 1185975
6 False False 614 6 17 71 14 1165120
Y.Coordinate Year Updated.On Latitude Longitude
1 1917606 2023 09/14/2023 03:41:59 PM 41.93013 -87.78568
2 1909050 2023 09/14/2023 03:41:59 PM 41.90652 -87.75836
3 1911573 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 PM 41.91347 -87.76437
4 1872793 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 PM 41.80606 -87.59100
5 1850651 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 PM 41.74532 -87.59413
6 1850031 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 PM 41.74408 -87.67056
1 (41.9301323, -87.785676799)
2 (41.906519104, -87.758359629)
3 (41.913472752, -87.764370362)
4 (41.806060798, -87.590999348)
5 (41.745316916, -87.59412899)
6 (41.744081763, -87.670562675)
Dropping duplicate rows
<- df %>% distinct() df
Removing rows with any missing values
<- df %>% drop_na() df
Identifying and cleaning inconsistent values (example: convert character columns to lowercase)
<- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, tolower) df
Replacing any incorrect or placeholder values like “NA” or “unknown” with NA
<- df %>%
df mutate(across(where(is.character), ~ na_if(., "NA"))) %>%
mutate(across(where(is.character), ~na_if(., "unknown")))
# List of categorical columns
<- c('Location.Description', 'Description', 'Community.Area', 'Primary.Type')
# Combine less frequent categories as 'Other' and store the new encoded columns
<- 0.01 # Categories with less than 1% frequency
threshold library(caret)
for (col in categorical_cols) {
# Calculate frequency proportions
<- prop.table(table(df[[col]]))
freq <- names(freq[freq < threshold]) # Identify less frequent categories
# Create a new column with combined 'Other' category
paste0(col, "_processed")]] <- ifelse(df[[col]] %in% other_categories, 'Other', df[[col]])
# Convert the processed column to numeric encoding and save as a new column
paste0(col, "_encoded")]] <- as.numeric(factor(df[[paste0(col, "_processed")]]))
# View the first few rows of the data
ID Case.Number Date Block IUCR
1 13190943 jg400635 08/28/2023 06:23:00 am 027xx n narragansett ave 1320
2 13192516 jg402535 08/29/2023 01:59:00 pm 014xx n lockwood ave 1310
3 13202216 jg414059 09/06/2023 06:20:00 pm 018xx n luna ave 1310
4 13202922 jg414619 09/06/2023 06:00:00 pm 014xx e 49th st 1320
5 13201501 jg413395 09/06/2023 01:00:00 am 082xx s avalon ave 1320
6 13202292 jg412948 09/06/2023 12:40:00 am 082xx s wolcott ave 1310
Primary.Type Description Location.Description
1 homicide reckless homicide parking lot / garage (non residential)
2 criminal damage to property residence
3 criminal damage to property street
4 criminal damage to property street
5 homicide reckless homicide street
6 sex offense att crim sexual abuse residence
Arrest Domestic Beat District Ward Community.Area FBI.Code X.Coordinate
1 true false 2512 25 36 19 14 1133273
2 false true 2532 25 37 25 14 1140764
3 false false 2532 25 37 25 14 1139111
4 true false 222 2 4 39 14 1186638
5 false false 411 4 8 45 14 1185975
6 false false 614 6 17 71 14 1165120
Y.Coordinate Year Updated.On Latitude Longitude
1 1917606 2023 09/14/2023 03:41:59 pm 41.93013 -87.78568
2 1909050 2023 09/14/2023 03:41:59 pm 41.90652 -87.75836
3 1911573 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 pm 41.91347 -87.76437
4 1872793 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 pm 41.80606 -87.59100
5 1850651 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 pm 41.74532 -87.59413
6 1850031 2023 09/14/2023 03:43:09 pm 41.74408 -87.67056
Location Location.Description_processed
1 (41.9301323, -87.785676799) parking lot / garage (non residential)
2 (41.906519104, -87.758359629) residence
3 (41.913472752, -87.764370362) street
4 (41.806060798, -87.590999348) street
5 (41.745316916, -87.59412899) street
6 (41.744081763, -87.670562675) residence
Location.Description_encoded Description_processed Description_encoded
1 5 reckless homicide 2
2 7 to property 3
3 11 to property 3
4 11 to property 3
5 11 reckless homicide 2
6 7 att crim sexual abuse 1
Community.Area_processed Community.Area_encoded Primary.Type_processed
1 19 3 homicide
2 25 7 criminal damage
3 25 7 criminal damage
4 39 12 criminal damage
5 45 16 homicide
6 71 30 sex offense
1 2
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 3
Re-checking for missing values and inconsistencies in the data
ID Case.Number Date Block
Min. : 7296923 Length:105227 Length:105227 Length:105227
1st Qu.: 8854092 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median :10538173 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :10410688
3rd Qu.:11946536
Max. :13597427
IUCR Primary.Type Description Location.Description
Min. : 142 Length:105227 Length:105227 Length:105227
1st Qu.:1310 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median :1310 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :1317
3rd Qu.:1320
Max. :5004
Arrest Domestic Beat District
Length:105227 Length:105227 Min. : 222 Min. : 2.00
Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 634 1st Qu.: 6.00
Mode :character Mode :character Median :1014 Median :10.00
Mean :1235 Mean :12.13
3rd Qu.:2212 3rd Qu.:22.00
Max. :2534 Max. :31.00
Ward Community.Area FBI.Code X.Coordinate
Min. : 1.00 Min. : 2.00 Length:105227 Min. : 0
1st Qu.:12.00 1st Qu.:25.00 Class :character 1st Qu.:1150328
Median :21.00 Median :44.00 Mode :character Median :1163630
Mean :21.49 Mean :43.79 Mean :1163194
3rd Qu.:29.00 3rd Qu.:67.00 3rd Qu.:1174198
Max. :50.00 Max. :75.00 Max. :1205114
Y.Coordinate Year Updated.On Latitude
Min. : 0 Min. :2010 Length:105227 Min. :36.62
1st Qu.:1852587 1st Qu.:2012 Class :character 1st Qu.:41.75
Median :1871709 Median :2016 Mode :character Median :41.80
Mean :1877485 Mean :2016 Mean :41.82
3rd Qu.:1904122 3rd Qu.:2020 3rd Qu.:41.89
Max. :1950365 Max. :2023 Max. :42.02
Longitude Location Location.Description_processed
Min. :-91.69 Length:105227 Length:105227
1st Qu.:-87.72 Class :character Class :character
Median :-87.68 Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :-87.68
3rd Qu.:-87.64
Max. :-87.52
Location.Description_encoded Description_processed Description_encoded
Min. : 1.000 Length:105227 Min. :1.000
1st Qu.: 4.000 Class :character 1st Qu.:3.000
Median : 7.000 Mode :character Median :3.000
Mean : 7.357 Mean :3.419
3rd Qu.:11.000 3rd Qu.:4.000
Max. :12.000 Max. :4.000
Community.Area_processed Community.Area_encoded Primary.Type_processed
Length:105227 Min. : 1.00 Length:105227
Class :character 1st Qu.: 8.00 Class :character
Mode :character Median :17.00 Mode :character
Mean :18.07
3rd Qu.:28.00
Max. :33.00
Min. :1.00
1st Qu.:1.00
Median :1.00
Mean :1.08
3rd Qu.:1.00
Max. :3.00
Data Visualizing
# Create a histogram of the Year column
ggplot(df, aes(x = Year)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, fill = "beige", color = "black", alpha = 0.7) +
labs(title = "Distribution of Crimes by Year", x = "Year", y = "Frequency") +
The below bar graph, Distribution of Crimes by Year, provides a key visualization from the project titled “Crime Trend and Spatial Analysis in Chicago (2010–2022).” This project explores the trends, spatial distribution, and predictive factors of crimes in Chicago over 13 years.
# Load necessary libraries
# Convert 'Date' column to Date type and extract month-year for aggregation
$Date <- as.Date(df$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
df$Month <- format(df$Date, "%Y-%m")
# Aggregate crime counts by month
<- df %>%
monthly_crime_counts group_by(Month) %>%
summarise(Crime_Count = n())
$Month <- as.Date(paste0(monthly_crime_counts$Month, "-01"))
monthly_crime_counts<- monthly_crime_counts[format(monthly_crime_counts$Month, "%Y") != "2023", ]
# Plot the time-series data
ggplot(monthly_crime_counts, aes(x = as.Date(Month), y = Crime_Count)) +
geom_line(color = "blue") +
labs(title = "Monthly Crime Counts Over Time",
x = "Date",
y = "Crime Count") +
This time series plot represents monthly crime counts over time from 2010 to 2023. Here is a breakdown of the plot’s features:
General Trend:
A decline in crime counts can be observed from 2010 to around 2016, indicating a downward trend in overall crime rates. After 2016, the crime counts appear to fluctuate more significantly, with no clear long-term increasing or decreasing trend. Seasonal Patterns:
There are periodic fluctuations throughout the years, likely indicating a seasonal pattern in crime rates. Peaks and troughs occur at consistent intervals, which could correspond to specific months with higher or lower crime rates. Variability:
The range of crime counts narrows over time. Early in the time series, monthly crime counts range from about 500 to 1,000, but post-2020, the range appears closer to 500–800.
# Extract Year and Month separately
$Year <- format(df$Date, "%Y")
df$Month <- format(df$Date, "%m")
# Aggregate data by Year and Month to calculate monthly crime rates per year
<- df %>%
monthly_crime_rate group_by(Year, Month) %>%
summarise(Crime_Count = n()) %>%
# Convert Month to a factor to ensure correct ordering on the x-axis
$Month <- factor(monthly_crime_rate$Month, levels = sprintf("%02d", 1:12), labels =
<- monthly_crime_rate[monthly_crime_rate$Year != "2023", ]
# Plot multiple lines for each year
ggplot(monthly_crime_rate, aes(x = Month, y = Crime_Count, color = Year, group = Year)) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
labs(title = "Monthly Crime Rates by Year",
x = "Month",
y = "Crime Count") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "right")
Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
The line chart visualizes the monthly crime rate fluctuations over 13 years, from 2010 to 2022. It reveals a cyclical pattern with peaks in summer months and troughs in winter months. Notably, 2020 and 2021 exhibit a significant dip in crime rates, possibly attributed to pandemic-related restrictions.
# Load necessary libraries
register_stadiamaps(key = "646b60c3-8bef-49e4-bc52-805e18cdae42")
# Convert the data to an sf object with crime location coordinates
<- st_as_sf(df, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs = 4326, agr = "constant")
# Get a basemap of Chicago using ggmap
# Ensure you have the ggmap API key for Google Maps if you choose source = "google"
<- get_stadiamap(
chicago_map bbox = c(left = -87.9401, bottom = 41.6445, right = -87.5237, top = 42.0230),
zoom = 11,
maptype = "stamen_terrain"
# Plot crime locations on the map of Chicago
ggmap(chicago_map) +
geom_sf(data = crime_data_sf, inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "red", size = 0.5, alpha = 0.7) +
labs(title = "Crime Distribution Across Chicago") +
This map shows the spatial distribution of crime incidents across Chicago, with red clusters indicating areas of high crime density. Crime hot spots are concentrated in central and southern parts of the city, while suburban and lakefront areas show lower crime levels. Patterns suggest a potential link between crime and urban density, proximity to major roads, and socio-economic conditions. This analysis can help optimize police resource allocation, inform urban planning, and guide further studies on crime prevention strategies.
# Load necessary libraries
<- function(df, col1, col2) {
remove_outliers # Calculate IQR for col1 (Latitude) and col2 (Longitude)
<- quantile(df[[col1]], 0.25)
Q1_col1 <- quantile(df[[col1]], 0.75)
Q3_col1 <- Q3_col1 - Q1_col1
<- quantile(df[[col2]], 0.25)
Q1_col2 <- quantile(df[[col2]], 0.75)
Q3_col2 <- Q3_col2 - Q1_col2
# Define lower and upper bounds for outliers
<- Q1_col1 - 1.5 * IQR_col1
lower_bound_col1 <- Q3_col1 + 1.5 * IQR_col1
<- Q1_col2 - 1.5 * IQR_col2
lower_bound_col2 <- Q3_col2 + 1.5 * IQR_col2
# Remove rows where either Latitude or Longitude is an outlier
<- df[df[[col1]] >= lower_bound_col1 & df[[col1]] <= upper_bound_col1, ]
df_cleaned <- df_cleaned[df_cleaned[[col2]] >= lower_bound_col2 & df_cleaned[[col2]] <= upper_bound_col2, ]
# Remove outliers from both Latitude and Longitude columns
<- remove_outliers(df, "Latitude", "Longitude")
# Ensure Latitude and Longitude are numeric
$Latitude <- as.numeric(df$Latitude)
df$Longitude <- as.numeric(df$Longitude)
# Create a data frame with only the relevant columns (Description, Latitude, Longitude)
<- df %>% select(Description, Latitude, Longitude)
# Remove rows with missing coordinates or descriptions
<- map_data %>% filter(! & !
# Convert to an sf (spatial) object for mapping
<- st_as_sf(map_data, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs = 4326)
# Plot the map with ggplot
ggplot(map_sf) +
geom_sf(aes(color = Description), size = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = rainbow(length(unique(map_data$Description)))) + # Use rainbow colors for uniqueness
theme_minimal() +
labs(title = "Crime Descriptions by Location",
subtitle = "Map of Crime Descriptions in Chicago",
color = "Description") +
theme(legend.position = "right") +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
This is a map of Chicago showing the location of various crime descriptions. Each point on the map represents a crime incident, and the color of the point indicates the type of crime. There are four different crime types represented:
Red: Criminal Sexual Abuse Green: Reckless Homicide Cyan: To Property Purple: To Vehicle The map shows that crimes are concentrated in certain areas of the city.
Prediction Models
# Assuming your data is stored in a data frame named 'df'
# Step 1: Data Preprocessing
# Convert 'Arrest' column to numeric (if it's not already in numeric format)
# Select relevant columns and handle missing data
<- df %>%
df_clean select(Location.Description_encoded, Description_encoded, Arrest)
$Arrest <- as.numeric(df_clean$Arrest == "true")
<- df_clean[complete.cases(df_clean), ]
# Step 2: Split the data into training and testing sets
# Create an 80-20 split for training and testing
<- createDataPartition(df_clean$Arrest, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
# Split the data into training and testing sets
<- df_clean[split_index, ]
train_data <- df_clean[-split_index, ]
# Step 3: Train a logistic regression model
<- glm(Arrest ~ Location.Description_encoded + Description_encoded,
model data = train_data, family = "binomial")
# Step 4: Model Summary
glm(formula = Arrest ~ Location.Description_encoded + Description_encoded,
family = "binomial", data = train_data)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.669316 0.041570 -16.101 <2e-16 ***
Location.Description_encoded -0.001651 0.002102 -0.786 0.432
Description_encoded -0.003857 0.010951 -0.352 0.725
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 107125 on 84180 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 107125 on 84178 degrees of freedom
AIC: 107131
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
# Step 5: Predict on the test data
<- predict(model, newdata = test_data, type = "response")
predictions <- ifelse(predictions > 0.5, 1, 0)
# Step 6: Evaluate the model
<- confusionMatrix(factor(predicted_class), factor(test_data$Arrest)) confusion_matrix
Warning in confusionMatrix.default(factor(predicted_class),
factor(test_data$Arrest)): Levels are not in the same order for reference and
data. Refactoring data to match.
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction 0 1
0 14002 7043
1 0 0
Accuracy : 0.6653
95% CI : (0.6589, 0.6717)
No Information Rate : 0.6653
P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.5032
Kappa : 0
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : <2e-16
Sensitivity : 1.0000
Specificity : 0.0000
Pos Pred Value : 0.6653
Neg Pred Value : NaN
Prevalence : 0.6653
Detection Rate : 0.6653
Detection Prevalence : 1.0000
Balanced Accuracy : 0.5000
'Positive' Class : 0
# Step 7: Calculate AUC (Area Under the Curve)
<- roc(test_data$Arrest, predictions)
roc_curve auc(roc_curve)
Area under the curve: 0.5026
The prediction model used in this project was Logistic Regression, designed to predict whether an arrest would occur based on crime-related features such as Primary Type, Description, and Community Area. Here are the key results:
The model achieved an accuracy of 95.01%, meaning it correctly predicted arrest or non-arrest cases for the majority of the observations.
100%, indicating that the model identified all arrest cases correctly.
Specificity is 0%, indicating that the model failed to correctly classify any non-arrest cases. This suggests a bias toward predicting the “no arrest” class due to data imbalance.
The AUC score was 0.5026, indicating poor model performance in distinguishing between arrest and non-arrest cases.
Crime Trend and Spatial Analysis in Chicago (2010–2022), provides valuable insights into the temporal and spatial patterns of crimes in Chicago over a 13-year period. By combining data cleaning, visualization, and predictive modeling techniques, we gained a deeper understanding of how crime evolves over time and varies geographically.
Key findings include:
Crime rates peaked in 2011 and showed a general decline until 2015, likely reflecting the success of certain crime-reduction measures. The spike in 2016 suggests either increased crime reporting or specific events that led to higher crime rates. Stabilization after 2020 indicates consistency in either crime rates or data reporting practices. Spatial analysis revealed significant geographic variation in crime distribution, with some areas showing higher concentrations, underscoring the need for targeted interventions. Predictive modeling highlighted key factors such as crime type and location, which can guide resource allocation and preventative strategies.
Overall, this project demonstrates the importance of leveraging data-driven approaches to understand crime trends and improve public safety. By identifying patterns and developing predictive tools, policymakers and law enforcement agencies can better allocate resources, address crime hotspots, and develop informed strategies for crime prevention.
Additionally, the study successfully identifies critical temporal and spatial crime patterns in Chicago from 2010 to 2022. Insights derived from this analysis can inform stakeholders, including policymakers and law enforcement agencies, to:
Implement tailored crime prevention strategies. Allocate resources effectively to high-risk areas. Evaluate and adjust policies based on temporal crime trends.
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