Phenology of Mangroves

Fall 2024 GEO 511 Final Project


Jing Miao


December 5, 2024


Mangrove forests are salt-tolerant trees and shrubs that thrive in intertidal zones of tropical and subtropical regions (Vaiphasa et al. 2005). These ecosystems are highly valued as blue carbon reservoirs and natural coastal protection systems (Macreadie et al. 2021). Within mangrove ecosystems, different species display significant diversity in tree structures, growth strategies, and environmental adaptations. While mangroves are evergreen, remote sensing observations reveal that distinct species exhibit varying temporal patterns in the onset, persistence, and greenness of their growth stages.
This study aims to characterize the phenological patterns of three mangrove species: red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), white mangrove (Avicennia germinans), and black mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) in Everglades National Park, Florida. To be more specific, high-temporal-resolution remote sensing data from the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel (HLS) dataset for 2023 will be used to extract Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values, enabling a detailed analysis of the phenological differences among these dominant species.
Figure 1. Three Dominant mangrove species in South Florida and their zonation.

Materials and methods

To extract phenological information of three mangrove species from remote sensing-based observation, we need:


Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel (HLS) dataset

The HLS product integrates data from the Landsat 8 (or Landsat 9) and Sentinel-2A (or Sentinel-2B) satellites, producing a harmonized surface reflectance dataset with a 30-meter spatial resolution. Moreover, HLS includes a Quality Assurance (QA) band, which provides data quality filters and masks for clouds, cloud shadows, and water bodies. To generate time series NDVI from HLS dataset, red and near inf-red bands are collected.

Geographical location of mangrove samples

The geographical information of three mangrove species are collected from Project: The Vegetation of Everglades National Park: Final Report (Spatial Data) (Ruiz and Others 2021). 10 samples of each three mangrove species (red mangrove, white mangrove, and black mangrove) are extracted from this final report.

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

NDVI is widely used to monitor vegetation health and phenological changes over time. The formula is:

\[ \text{NDVI} = \frac{(NIR - RED)}{(NIR + RED)} \]

Harmonic Regression

Harmonic regression is a statistical technique that fits sine and cosine functions to data and is adept at identifying and modeling the cyclical variations inherent in time series with periodic patterns.

\[ y_t = \beta_0 + \sum_{k=1}^{K} \left( \beta_{k} \cos\left(\frac{2\pi k t}{T}\right) + \gamma_{k} \sin\left(\frac{2\pi k t}{T}\right) \right) + \epsilon_t \]


  • \(y_t\): The observed value at time \(t\).
  • \(\beta_0\): The intercept or constant term in the model.
  • \(\beta_k\): The coefficient for the cosine term corresponding to the \(k\)-th harmonic.
  • \(\gamma_k\): The coefficient for the sine term corresponding to the \(k\)-th harmonic.
  • \(T\): The period of the data (e.g., the number of days in a year if the data is annual).
  • \(t\): The time point or index (often representing the day of the year, etc.).
  • \(K\): The total number of harmonics (sinusoidal terms) included in the model, usually based on the periodicity of the data.
  • \(\epsilon_t\): The error term at time \(t\), capturing the residual variability in the data that is not explained by the harmonic components.


Install and load necessary packages

This study needs packages related to image processing, such as: terra, sf, and googledrive; moreover, packages related to result presentation are required, including ggplot2, leaflet, dplyr, and RColorBrewer.


Prepare three mangrove species samples

The distribution of three mangrove species samples in our study area is as shown in the following:

The downloaded HLS images are uploaded to Google Drive, we can access this data folder through ID. Then, we will collect band 4 and band5 from the dataset. Partial code is presented as following:

# drive_auth() for first time to link Google Drive from R, we should do this authentication
HLS_Everglades <- drive_ls(as_id(HLSImages_Folder_ID))
HLS_band4 <- HLS_Everglades %>% filter(grepl("_B04_", name))
HLS_band5 <- HLS_Everglades %>% filter(grepl("_B05_", name))

# extract DOY from HLS_band4$name
extract_doy <- function(names_column) {
  doy_values <- gsub(".*_doy(\\d{7}).*", "\\1", names_column)
  return(as.numeric(doy_values)) # convert it to numeric

# Add it to DOY column in HLS_band4 and HLS_band5
HLS_band4$DOY <- extract_doy(HLS_band4$name)
HLS_band5$DOY <- extract_doy(HLS_band5$name)

# Initial the results file (extracted band 4 and band 5 values) as a list
HLS_band4$download_link <- sapply(HLS_band4$drive_resource, function(x) x$webContentLink)
HLS_band5$download_link <- sapply(HLS_band5$drive_resource, function(x) x$webContentLink)

band4_rasters <- lapply(HLS_band4$download_link, function(link) rast(link))
band5_rasters <- lapply(HLS_band5$download_link, function(link) rast(link))

Extract phenology from time-series HLS

  • NDVI values were retrieved for mangrove species sampling points. The extracted data were organized into a tabular format, with rows representing dates and columns representing NDVI values for each sample point.
# Function to compute NDVI from Band 4 and Band 5 datasets
compute_ndvi <- function(band4_file, band5_file, output_file) {
  # Read Band 4 and Band 5 CSV files
  cat("Reading Band 4 data from:", band4_file, "\n")
  band4_data <- read.csv(band4_file)
  cat("Reading Band 5 data from:", band5_file, "\n")
  band5_data <- read.csv(band5_file)
  # Preprocess DOY columns
  cat("Preprocessing DOY columns...\n")
  band4_data$DOY <- as.numeric(trimws(band4_data$DOY))
  band5_data$DOY <- as.numeric(trimws(band5_data$DOY))
  # Remove duplicates if present
  if (any(duplicated(band4_data$DOY))) {
    cat("Removing duplicate DOY values in Band 4...\n")
    band4_data <- band4_data[!duplicated(band4_data$DOY), ]
  if (any(duplicated(band5_data$DOY))) {
    cat("Removing duplicate DOY values in Band 5...\n")
    band5_data <- band5_data[!duplicated(band5_data$DOY), ]
  # Identify common DOY
  cat("Identifying common DOY values...\n")
  common_doy <- intersect(band4_data$DOY, band5_data$DOY)
  if (length(common_doy) == 0) {
    stop("No matching DOY values found between Band 4 and Band 5 datasets.")
  cat("Number of matching DOY values:", length(common_doy), "\n")
  # Filter data to retain only matching DOY
  band4_data <- band4_data[band4_data$DOY %in% common_doy, ]
  band5_data <- band5_data[band5_data$DOY %in% common_doy, ]
  # Sort datasets by DOY
  band4_data <- band4_data[order(band4_data$DOY), ]
  band5_data <- band5_data[order(band5_data$DOY), ]
  # Check alignment of DOY columns
  cat("Checking DOY alignment...\n")
  if (!all(band4_data$DOY == band5_data$DOY)) {
    mismatches <- which(band4_data$DOY != band5_data$DOY)
    cat("Mismatched DOY rows detected:\n")
    stop("DOY columns still not aligned after sorting.")
  cat("DOY columns are aligned.\n")
  # Initialize NDVI results
  cat("Initializing NDVI results...\n")
  ndvi_results <- data.frame(DOY = band4_data$DOY)
  # Compute NDVI for each sample point
  cat("Computing NDVI for sample points...\n")
  for (col in 2:ncol(band4_data)) {  # Skip the DOY column
    band4_col <- band4_data[, col]
    band5_col <- band5_data[, col]
    # Calculate NDVI
    ndvi_results[, col] <- (band5_col - band4_col) / (band5_col + band4_col)
  # Add column names to NDVI results
  colnames(ndvi_results) <- colnames(band4_data)
  # Save NDVI results to CSV
  cat("Saving NDVI results to:", output_file, "\n")
  write.csv(ndvi_results, output_file, row.names = FALSE)
  cat("NDVI computation completed successfully.\n")

compute_ndvi("data/extracted_band4_BM.csv", "data/extracted_band5_BM.csv", "data/ndvi_BM.csv")
compute_ndvi("data/extracted_band4_RM.csv", "data/extracted_band5_RM.csv", "data/ndvi_RM.csv")
compute_ndvi("data/extracted_band4_WM.csv", "data/extracted_band5_WM.csv", "data/ndvi_WM.csv")
  • Harmonic regression was employed to model the seasonal patterns in NDVI data. The fitted harmonic regression curves were plotted alongside the observed NDVI data points to visualize seasonal trends.
# Function to preprocess DOY to extract the day of year
preprocess_doy <- function(doy_column) {
  as.numeric(substr(doy_column, 5, 7))  # Extract last three digits

# Function to remove outliers based on 3x standard deviation
remove_outliers <- function(data) {
  mean_ndvi <- mean(data$Average_NDVI, na.rm = TRUE)
  std_ndvi <- sd(data$Average_NDVI, na.rm = TRUE)
  threshold_low <- mean_ndvi - 3 * std_ndvi
  threshold_high <- mean_ndvi + 3 * std_ndvi
  data %>%
    filter(Average_NDVI >= threshold_low & Average_NDVI <= threshold_high)

# Function to fit harmonic regression and predict NDVI
fit_harmonic_regression <- function(data, species_name) {
  # Preprocess DOY and remove outliers
  data <- data %>%
    mutate(DOY = preprocess_doy(DOY)) %>%  # Preprocess DOY to extract day of year
    filter(Average_NDVI > 0 & Average_NDVI < 1) %>%  # Filter valid NDVI values
    remove_outliers()  # Remove outliers based on 3x std
  # Fit harmonic regression
  model <- lm(Average_NDVI ~ cos(2 * pi * DOY / 365) + sin(2 * pi * DOY / 365), data = data)
  # Generate DOY sequence for predictions
  doy_seq <- seq(1, 365, by = 1)
  predictions <- predict(model, newdata = data.frame(
    DOY = doy_seq
  # Return observed data, fitted model, and predictions
    data = data,
    model = model,
    predictions = data.frame(DOY = doy_seq, Fitted_NDVI = predictions),
    species = species_name


Average NDVI

The NDVI value ranges are shown in the following graph.Among three mangrove species, red mangrove present the lowest average NDVI through the year 2023 (0.61), while white mangrove presents the highest average NDVI (0.65).Moreover, black mangrove presents highest peak NDVI through the year compared to other two mangrove species.

Pheonogy demostration based on harmonic regression

We used harmonic regression to generate descriptive phenological curves as following. We observed that many points fall outside the normal range of mangrove NDVI values. These outliers may be caused by cloud cover or water inundation.By observing the current results, the onset time of Red Mangrove appears to be earlier compared to the other two mangrove species.


This study utilized time-series HLS data on 2023 to analyze the phenology of three mangrove species in Everglades, Florida. To be more specific, I applied harmonic regression to generate phenology based on time-series NDVI. From the resluts, we can see that different mangrove species present different average greenness (average NDVI) and pheonogy through the year. Moreover, to refine this study, we can filter the image pixels influenced by clouds and tides. In conclusion, this study help in understanding the dynamics within one mangrove ecosystem, aiding conservation efforts and the management of coastal ecosystems in the face of climate change.


Macreadie, Peter I, Micheli DP Costa, Trisha B Atwood, Daniel A Friess, Jeffrey J Kelleway, Hilary Kennedy, Catherine E Lovelock, Oscar Serrano, and Carlos M Duarte. 2021. “Blue Carbon as a Natural Climate Solution.” Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2 (12): 826–39.
Ruiz, P. L., and Others. 2021. “The Vegetation of Everglades National Park: Final Report (Spatial Data).” National Park Service.
Vaiphasa, Chaichoke, Suwit Ongsomwang, Tanasak Vaiphasa, and Andrew K. Skidmore. 2005. “Tropical Mangrove Species Discrimination Using Hyperspectral Data: A Laboratory Study.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 (1-2): 371–79.