Letchworth Learning Forest Structure Modeling Utilizing LiDAR Point Cloud Data

Understanding forest structure and characteristics in Letchworth Learning Forest


Tina Ni


November 25, 2024


[~ 200 words]

Observing forest structure is beneficial in understanding various forest characteristics. These characteristics include biodiversity, ecosystem disturbances and possibly any threats that may affect the forest structure and ecosystem. On-site forest modeling and monitoring is difficult to preserve long scale due to resource limitations. Utilizing remote sensing tools can allow researchers and foresters to overcome time, labor, and funding restrictions. In this project, I utilized remote sensing data to look at the Letchworth Learning Forest structure and try to interpret forest characteristics remotely.

Materials and methods

[~ 200 words]

In this project, I utilized 2019 remote sensing LiDAR point-cloud data to measure vertical forest structure within the Letchworth Learning Forest near the Ellicot Complex. By looking at vertical structure, I was able to find forest characteristics such as spatial clustering of the tallest (90%) woody individuals, approximately how many trees are residing in the study area, and tree height distributions.

The spatial data was mapped with Leaflet and distributions were visualized using ggplot

The main r packages that were utilized were lidR, terra, and raster.

Here’s my current on-going code.

Load Nessassary Packages


Load USGS Lidar Point Cloud Data of Letchworth Learning Forest

las <- readLAS("data/Letchworth_Teaching_Forest_Lidar.laz")

## Look at the parameter coordinates of original data
original_bbox <- st_bbox(las)
   xmin    ymin    xmax    ymax 
1387000 2349000 1388000 2350000 

Create New Bounding Box Filter Out Non-Forest

polygon_coords <- matrix(c(
  1388000, 2349355, #right bottom corner
  1388000, 2349700, #right top corner
  1387450, 2349700, #mid top corner
  1387450, 2349450, #mid mid corner
  1387300, 2349200, #left bottom corner
  1387350, 2349200, #mid bottom corner
  1388000, 2349355  #right bottom corner
), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

## Bounding Box has been given CRS associated with las-CRS 
polygon_sf <- st_sfc(st_polygon(list(polygon_coords)),  crs = st_crs(las))
las_clipped <- lidR::clip_roi(las, polygon_sf)

## Check if the crs is still the same
st_crs(polygon_sf) == st_crs(las)

## Filter out any OUTliers z-values from las
filterOUT_las <- filter_poi(las_clipped, Z >= 180, Z <= 220)

# rglwidget(x = scene3d(filterOUT_las), webgl= TRUE)

Check If New Data Will Correctly Transform to Leaflet Projection (The original data uses NAD 83 (2011) and Leaflet uses WGS 84)

## Reproject the las to 4326 for Leaflet
options(digits = 15)
las84 <- st_as_sf(las_clipped, coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = 26918) # crs was NAD83(2011)
las84 <- st_transform(las_clipped, crs = 4326)
Warning in CPL_transform(x, crs, aoi, pipeline, reverse, desired_accuracy, :
GDAL Error 1: PROJ: vgridshift: could not find required grid(s).
Warning in CPL_transform(x, crs, aoi, pipeline, reverse, desired_accuracy, :
GDAL Error 1: PROJ: pipeline: Pipeline: Bad step definition: proj=vgridshift
(File not found or invalid)
Warning in CPL_transform(x, crs, aoi, pipeline, reverse, desired_accuracy, :
GDAL Error 1: PROJ: vgridshift: could not find required grid(s).
Warning in CPL_transform(x, crs, aoi, pipeline, reverse, desired_accuracy, :
GDAL Error 1: PROJ: pipeline: Pipeline: Bad step definition: proj=vgridshift
(File not found or invalid)
## Create a dataframe of points lat and long to check if st_transform worked  
las_df <- data.frame(lat = st_coordinates(las84)[, 2],
                     long = st_coordinates(las84)[, 1])

[1] 43.005 43.006 43.007 43.009 43.008
 [1] -78.797 -78.796 -78.795 -78.794 -78.793 -78.792 -78.791 -78.790 -78.789
[10] -78.788 -78.787

Rasterize LiDAR Data to Identify Tree Tops, Identify the Tree Population, Create a Data Set of the 90th Percentile of Trees Based On Height (Tallest Trees) (Height is in Meters)

## LidR functions to find individual trees
chm <- rasterize_canopy(filterOUT_las, 0.25, pitfree(subcircle = 1))

tree_tops <- locate_trees(chm, lmf (ws=5))
filtered_tree_tops <- tree_tops %>%
filter(Z >= 185)

#plot(chm, col = height.colors(50))
#plot(sf::st_geometry(filtered_tree_tops), pch = 3)
#plot(sf::st_geometry(filtered_tree_tops), add = TRUE, pch = 3)

nintypercent <- quantile(filtered_tree_tops$Z, 0.90)
tall_trees <- filtered_tree_tops[filtered_tree_tops$Z > nintypercent,]

coords <- st_coordinates(tall_trees)

The Tree Height Distribution within the Forest

tree_Z <- as.data.frame(filtered_tree_tops$Z)
colnames(tree_Z) <- c("height")
test <- tree_Z$height - 180
test <- as.data.frame(test)
[1] 33.901
tall_trees_height <- as.data.frame(tall_trees$Z - 180)
colnames(tall_trees_height) <- c("height")
## in meters
geom_histogram(data = test, aes(x = test), binwidth = 0.5,, color = "black", fill="green", alpha = 0.25)+
geom_histogram(data = tall_trees_height, aes(x = height), binwidth = 0.5,, color = "black", fill="red", alpha = .5)+
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = mean(test$test)), color="blue", linetype="dashed", linewidth=1)+
labs(title = "Distribution of Tree Heights in Meters", x = "Height (m)", y = "Frequency",
     subtitle = "Mean of all heights (Blue) \n90% of tallest trees (Red)",
     caption = "Letchworth Teaching Forest (2019)")

Locate the Tallest Trees, and Tree Tops within the Forest

knitr::opts_chunk$set(global.device = TRUE)

plot(chm, main = "Tree Tops")
plot(filtered_tree_tops[2],pch = 16, cex = .5, main = "tree_tops", add = TRUE)

plot(chm, main = "Tall Trees")
plot(tall_trees, pch = 16, cex = .5, main = "tall_trees", add = TRUE)

Locate Spatial Clustering of Tall Trees

knitr::opts_chunk$set(global.device = TRUE)

dbscan_result <- dbscan(coords, eps = 12, minPts = 5)

tall_trees$dbscan_cluster <- as.factor(dbscan_result$cluster)
colorsize = length (unique (tall_trees$dbscan_cluster))

## Filter out first cluster
cluster <- tall_trees %>%
filter(dbscan_cluster != 0)
plot(cluster[3], pch = 16, cex = .5, col = factor(cluster$dbscan_cluster), main = "Tree Clusters", add = TRUE)

Add Locations of Spatail Clustering to Leaflet Map

pal <- colorFactor(brewer.pal(4, "Set1"), domain = tall_trees$dbscan_cluster)

st_tall_trees <- st_transform(tall_trees, crs = 4326)
st_tall_trees_filtered <- st_tall_trees %>%
  filter(dbscan_cluster != 0)
st_tall_trees_filtered$Z <- st_tall_trees_filtered$Z - 180

leaflet (st_tall_trees_filtered) %>%
  setView(lng = -78.793, lat = 43.007, zoom = 13)  %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    radius = 2,
    color = ~pal(dbscan_cluster),
    popup = ~paste("Tree ID:", treeID, "<br> Height (m):", Z))

Load any required packages in a code chunk (you may need to install some packages):



[~200 words] apa format Clear summary adequately describing the results and putting them in context. Discussion of further questions and ways to continue investigation.


All sources are cited in a consistent manner